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1 Year CYREN ZH – Shaping the Roadmap

25. January 2024 @ 16:00 18:00

The mission of CYRENZH is to establish a structure that can sustainably increase the cyber resilience in the Canton of Zurich, thereby strengthening and protecting its economy and society. For that reason, we are currently working to establish a joint UZH/ZHAW “cyber clinic” which will leverage the skills of university students to increase the cyber hygiene of eligible organizations. We currently view the scope of the cyber clinics as strictly preventative and want to permanently integrate them into the respective university structures. Extending this partnership to other local partners like the ETH is also a possibility we are exploring.

Central questions we want to answer at this stage are: What services should we offer? How can cyber clinics be sustainably integrated into existing and developing curricula? Who can teach courses and supervise students? In general, what motivates stakeholders – students, prospective clients, and facilitators – to support and participate in this initiative?

How we want to do that?

To ensure sustainable engagement in the clinics, it is important to understand the needs and interests of the designated stakeholders who will be involved in the Clinics – Students (who will provide the services), Clients (who will receive services), and Facilitators (who will coordinate and manage the Clinic activities, give lectures, supervise students, and ensure overall quality control). Given the many services we could potentially offer, it is important to prioritize them based on the stakeholder input. Concretely, we want to:

  1. Compile a comprehensive list of possible services that could be listed in the portfolio,
  2. Get a grasp of the potential obstacles and their solution,
  3. Determine the feasibility and impact of each service,
  4. Learn about the skills, willingness, and motivation of the stakeholders to get involved.


For this purpose, we will conduct a workshop in our annual CYRENZH “Shaping the Roadmap” event. It will take place on 25. January 2024 from 16:00-18:00, followed by an apéro.

Please help stop Food Waste and register until 22. January 2024.

Photo: Dream by wombo

DSI Cybersecurity Community

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Digital Society Initiative, Eventroom

Rämistrasse 69
Zürich, 8001 Schweiz
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