On November 30th, the Cyber Resilience Network For The Canton Of Zurich (CYRENZH ) was officially launched. The mission of CYRENZH , which is one of the successful applicants of the structural call of DIZH (Digitization Initiative of Zurich Universities), is to promote #knowledge exchange and #collaboration between actors from the public and private sectors as well as civil society. CYRENZH is a a joint effort between University of Zurich, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences and other practice partners aiming to build a network that will outlast its funding period (2022-2027).
The goal of CYRENZH is threefold: (a) to build a volunteer network, (b) to design new education programs, and (c) to stimulate interdisciplinary research. At the kick-off event, held at the Digital Society Initiative (UZH Digitalization) of the University of Zurich, keynote speaker Manuel Atug of the AG #KRITIS shared his experiences in establishing the #CyberHilfsWerk in Germany. In the morning workshop, the approximately 30 participants explored how volunteers might be deployed to increase cyber resilience in the Canton of Zurich. The afternoon workshop focused on the current situation of education and research in the Canton of Zurich: what education programs in cybersecurity already exist and what might still be missing? What research synergies exist among the participants and might these lead to new collaborations?
Thanks again to Manuel Atug and all participants for making this a very productive and delightful start into an exciting journey!